Mission Statement
Building a better community by inspiring, informing, educating and entertaining.
2024 Objectives and Goals
How we will Inspire..
Objective 1: We will assist in lifelong opportunities for continuing education by providing programs and resources.
Expand the collection of resources, books, and materials designed to support post-secondary opportunities.
Offer 2 programs or resources designed for residents seeking post-secondary education, training, and/or funding information. ​​
Objective 2: We will support programs and services that inspire life-long growth and learning.
Provide programs and opportunities to learn new skills, hobbies, and/or expand current knowledge.
Evaluate and expand the current usage and availability of the Library of Things. ​​
Objective 3: We will develop a building management and improvement plan in collaboration with the building committee and volunteers.
Conduct a property condition assessment (PCA) using community volunteers or resources.
Assess library building space needs and current space utilization.
Evaluate the ADA compliance of the library building and develop a plan and timeline to become fully ADA compliant.
Objective 4: We will create teen and kids corner environments that foster spaces that inspire learning.
Conduct a needs assessment to inform the design and resource needs for teen and youth in the community.
Update the design and resources in the teen and kid's sections.
Objective 5: We will improve resident access to virtual opportunities and resources.
Conduct a needs assessment that will inform the virtual resources ended in the community.
Evaluate current and virtual resources available to residents and identify any limitations to those resources.
Expand access to virtual resources that patrons can access from home.
Evaluate the need and feasibility for the library to offer virtual and remote opportunities at the library (i. e. library hosted educational opportunities, webinars, and meeting capabilities).
How we will Inform..
Objective 1: We will maintain, share, and promote resources provided by other organizations in the community that may be useful to residents.
Promote community events, resources, and activities hosted by groups outside of the Everett Free Library.
Act as a location where residents can inquire about community events, community resources, and other available opportunities.
Objective 2: We will participate in community events, programs, and engage in other opportunities to connect with the community.
Participate in events and programs in our service area.
Actively engage with local school districts and other organizations to help meet community needs.
Objective 3: We will conduct a needs assessment to determine unmet needs in our community.
Create and distribute a needs assessment to the community and compile a report.
Assess the feasibility of seeking funding and offering additional programs or resources to address community needs.
How we plan to Educate...
Objective 1: We will provide youth opportunities to enjoy reading.
Explore opportunities to examine the Summer Reading Program and if feasible increase 2024 enrollment by 15%.
Establish opportunities to connect with home school students by offering 1 program.
Offer one program per month for youth in each age group (elementary school, middle school, and high school).
Objective 2: We will provide programs and resources that will make the library a vital resource to support early childhood development and early love for reading.
Maintain attendance figures for preschool story time for children age 3-4 years.
Develop 2 new storytime programs for children birth-12 months and 13 months - 3 years.
Outreach to local child care and similar early childhood programs to help foster an early love for reading in early childhood.
Objective 3: We will inspire adults to continue engaging and enjoying reading through programming and online engagement.
Establish and promote adult programming that is engaging and enjoyed in our community. At minimum, we will offer 1 adult program per month.
Offer adult residents opportunities to be engaged via social media, online platforms, and other virtual reading activities.
How we plan to Entertain...
Objective 1: We will provide timely access to a broad range of book titles.
Allocate a portion of the materials budget to update the non-fiction collection.
Increase our author sponsorships by 5 in the next year.
Objective 2: We will expand available opportunities to use non-traditional library resources.
Conduct a needs assessment to determine needed utilization and needed availability of activity kits in the community.
Improve marketing and promotion of non-traditional library resources (i.e. activity kits and library of things).
Explore creative solutions and opportunities to expand streaming resources for patrons.