We have fiction and non-fiction books for all ages from pre-school to adult. They are available in many different formats including regular print, large print, audio on cd, big books, board books, and electronic books and audiobooks. We also have local history and some family genealogies in our Pennsylvania Room Collection.
Interlibrary Loan: Can’t find what you need?
Ask a library worker about borrowing materials from another library. Interlibrary loan services are available to all patrons. There is no fee for items requested. The Everett Free Library will borrow materials from other cooperating libraries in Pennsylvania and then lend them out to the requesting patron. The average amount of time needed to receive an interlibrary loan item is approximately 3 to 4 weeks.
Home Delivery
The Federated Library System of Bedford County offers home delivery for Bedford County residents who are homebound. Please fill out the home delivery application and return it a one of the following libraries: Everett Free Library, Bedford County Library, Saxton Community Library, or Hyndman-Londonderry Public Library.
24-Hour Book Drop
Print library materials may be deposited at any time in the book drop located in front of the library. DVDs, Interlibrary Loans, Adventure Packs, STEAM Kits, items from the Library of Things, and other items marked “Do not place in bookdrop” should not be returned here.
Newspapers and Magazines
We currently subscribe to the Bedford Gazette and Lancaster Farming newspapers. We have many magazine subscriptions. Lancaster Farming and the magazines are available for 4 week checkouts. The Bedford Gazette is available for in-house reading only.
Gale OneFile: News, a resource of POWER Library, has access to more than 2,300 major U.S. regional, national, and local newspapers, plus leading titles from around the world. AP Newsroom, another resource of resource of POWER Library, gives you access to current world happenings with news, photographs, audio sound bites, video, and graphics. These are available with your library card number from the back of your Federated Library System of Bedford County library card.
Newspaper Archive is offered through the Federated Library System of Bedford County! Check out a range of Pennsylvania papers over the years. If you are in the library, click here to access Newspaper Archive. If you are at home, click here to be directed to the Bedford County Library’s website for the link to access Newspaper Archive.
The Bedford County Press/Everett Press is available from 1868 to 1982. There are some years missing in the early 1900’s. The Bedford Gazette is available from 1982 to the present. Bedford County Census records are also available on microfilm. The digital microfilm reader will scan images to a computer. We can also scan personal microfilm or microfiche and convert to digital (on your own flash drive) or print formats.
Hot Spots
The Everett Free Library now offers 15 hot spots that can be checked out for home use. A current library card is required to check-out a hot spot. You can review the hot spot agreement here.
Computer Access
The Library offers eight desktop computers for public in-library use. Public access computers are connected to the internet and have Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Publisher, and PowerPoint) installed. Free wireless internet is available for personal digital devices.
Copy Services
Black and white copies and prints are $0.25 each. Color copies and prints are $1.00 per page. We can accommodate paper up to 11” by 17” (tabloid or ledger size).
Fax Services
To send a fax, the cost is $2.00 for the first page and $0.50 for each additional page. To receive a fax, the cost is $1.00 the first page, and $0.50 for each additional page. Our fax number is: (814)652 – 5425.
Krayon Kiosk
This 2 iPad station is designed to look like a Crayola crayon and is located in the Kitty’s Kids Corner. Our Interactive Education Station encourages individual learning and offers a ‘work at your own pace’ approach. The operation of the device maintains a speed that fits the needs of the user. This allows children to grow, develop, and problem solve at their own speed. This teaching and learning approach can offer a solid foundation for the cognitive development of children.
Library Spaces
Elsie May Colvin Children’s Corner
The children’s collection contains fiction, non-fiction, audiobooks, board books, and BIG books!
Helen Sipes Young Adult Den
This area contains room for studying, reading and using technology. Books written especially for young adults are housed in this area.
Kitty’s Kids Corner
Kids can relax and build with Legos, Magna-Tiles, and wooden blocks, imagine with many different plastic figurines representing families, communities, and the natural world, and much more! The Krayon Kiosk is located here.
Robert C. Baker Technology Room
Desktop computers for public use are located in this room. These computers are connected to the internet and have Microsoft Office programs installed. Printing (in color or black and white) is available from these computers.
Ruth and Norman Gladfelter Community Room
This room at the front of the library has many activities all the time. There are puzzles, games, manipulatives, and more. This is also a meeting space that is available for public reservation. Call to reserve the space.
Forms and Links
Tax Forms
General Links