Preschool Storytime every Friday at 11:00 am!
Weekly program on Friday mornings at 11 am designed for prekindergarten ages 3+. Stories, songs, crafts and more with Susan Trimeloni.
EFL Book Club
Join the Everett Free Library's Book Club every third Tuesday of the month at 6pm for great discussions on the monthly reading.
Community Cookbook
The Everett Free Library is highlighting your cookie, candy, and winter holiday recipes this season!
How to submit recipes online:
1. Go to www.typensave.com and click on “Login”
2. Enter the User Name: everettfreelibrary
3. Enter the password: lettuce177 and click “Submit”
4. Click “Add Recipes” and begin adding your recipes!
Alternatively, you can also submit hard copies of your recipe at the Everett Free Library. Recipes should be submitted on the Recipe Collection sheet, they are available by clicking on the title or by stopping at the Library. If you would like to reserve a cookbook email the Library at everettlibrary@everettlibrary.org and include your name, contact information, and the number of books you would like reserved.
In-House Used Book Sale
We always have a small collection of books and resources for sale. This may include used Large Prints both in Non-Fiction and Fiction, regular Fiction & Non-Fiction, Paperbacks, and Children's books!
Paperbacks - $0.25; hardcovers - $1; & DVD's - $1.
Stop by during normal business hours to check it out!